#BookReview: The Stranger in Her House by John Marrs @AmazonPub #TheStrangerInHerHouse #BookTwitter #booktwt #BookX #damppebbles

“A stranger has infiltrated your family…and now he’s taking over.

Paul’s just here to help, or so he claims—sent by a charity for vulnerable people to do odd jobs for elderly widow Gwen. But for Gwen’s daughter Connie, there’s just something about Paul that rings alarm bells from day one. He’s a little too kind, a little too involved…Worse still, Gwen seems to have fallen under his spell.

The last thing Connie wants is a stranger meddling in the safe routine she’s built around Gwen. She loves being the one Gwen turns to for cooking, cleaning and company. But the more Paul visits, the more Gwen is relying on him. By the time he conveniently finds himself between homes and has no choice but to move in, Connie is certain he’s trying to push her out completely.

It’s her word against his, though, and as her attempts to unmask him become ever more desperate she’s not the only one left wondering if she’s lost her grip on reality. But when events start spiralling rapidly out of her control, should Connie wage all-out war on Paul and risk losing Gwen forever—or has that been his plan all along?”

Hello and welcome to damppebbles. Today I am delighted to share my review of The Stranger in Her House by John Marrs. The Stranger in Her House is published by Thomas & Mercer today (that’s Tuesday 13th February 2024) and is available in paperback, audio and digital formats. I chose to read a free eARC of The Stranger in Her House but that has in no way influenced my review. My grateful thanks to the author for sending me a digital copy.

Warning: this review will contain a LOT of exclamation marks!

Oh. My. Word! This book. This book!! I am lost for words (which is a bit of an issue when my task is to write a review!). I don’t think a book has EVER provoked such a strong, visceral reaction in me! I’m not one for violence. It’s fine in fiction, I read quite a lot of dark literature but in real life, it’s a big, fat no-no, but reading this book, I was ready to commit GBH towards one of the characters. My notes on this one include ‘I can’t stand him, want to thump him!’, along with ‘aaarrrrgggghhhhh’. And oh boy, it takes real writing chops to get that kind of reaction! Let’s go back to the beginning though so I can explain my thoughts and feelings in more detail rather than just ranting about an unknown, unnamed character. The character I want to wallop is called Paul. He is sent by a charity to help elderly Gwen out around the house and garden. All sounds quite acceptable so far, right? Gwen suffers from vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s so some days are good, others not so much. Gwen’s daughter, Connie, has recently moved back home to take care of her mum. Walking away from a successful career as a Wedding Planner in Italy. Connie does everything she can for Gwen so when Paul appears out of the blue, uninvited, she’s a little put out. But handsome Paul is charming and begins to worm his way into their lives. The longer Paul spends at the house, the closer Gwen and Paul become, eventually completely ostracising Connie. After all she’s done for her mum, Connie refuses to let this stranger take over. But that’s only the beginning of this twisty, highly compelling tale. A fraction of the story to whet your appetite as there is so much more to this novel than meets the eye. The characters aren’t likeable but they’re not supposed to be. They’re superbly written. Pitched just right to get under the reader’s skin. To irritate and infuriate. And oh my gosh, that’s exactly what they did to me in the best way possible!

Would I recommend this book? I would, yes. If you’ve read any of this author’s books before you will know that a John Marrs novel is always entertaining and chockful of well-penned twists. The Stranger in Her House is no different. Paul’s insertion into Gwen’s life is fairly unremarkable to start with but builds gradually creating tension and a sense of threat, of malice and of manipulation. Connie is pushed further and further to the periphery, leading to explosive reveal after explosive reveal. Expect the unexpected as a barrage of shocks and surprises batter you about the head! The pacing is spot-on, the characters are so well-drawn and I was swept away into this dark and devilish story from the get-go. I desperately want to say more but I’m scared I’ll say the wrong thing, reveal more than I should, so I’ll wrap this review up now (there will be reviews out there that say far too much, I don’t want that to be me!). All in all, a twisted, twisty rollercoaster of a psychological thriller that evokes all of the emotions. My heart broke for Gwen. She was pretty much the only character I liked – from the start, all the way to the end. I honestly don’t know how this author keeps coming up with these clever, original and downright immersive thrillers. Every single one is a winner. Riveting, evocative and bursting with razor-sharp, perfectly pitched suspense. Highly recommended.

I chose to read and review a free eARC of The Stranger in Her House. The above review is my own unbiased opinion.

The Stranger in Her House by John Marrs was published in the UK by Thomas & Mercer on 13th February 2024 and is available in paperback, audio and digital formats (please note, the following links are affiliate links which means I receive a small percentage of the purchase price at no extra cost to you): | amazon.co.uk | Waterstones | Foyles | bookshop.org | Goodreads |

John Marrs is an author and former journalist based in London and Northamptonshire. After spending his career interviewing celebrities from the worlds of television, film and music for numerous national newspapers and magazines, he is now a full-time author. His books include No1 bestseller and Netflix series The One, The Passengers, award winning What Lies Between Us and The Good Samaritan.

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